In this article, we’ll explore how to collaborate in WriterZen with Team Functions. This feature makes working with other planners & writers in the content creation process easy and efficient. 

If you want to understand the basics of Team Function, please read User guide 01: Workspace Management first, before diving into the collaboration process.

1. How to collaborate in Topic Discovery, Keyword Explorer and others

Team Function allows teams to track who is the task owner - the one who created that task (Explore a keyword, discover a topic, and so on...)


2. How to collaborate in Content Creator

The main working space among team members is Content Creator - assign & delegate projects & articles to people in charge. In this article, we will deep dive into this tool specifically with three main key benefits as follows:

1. The ability to invite members and guests to work on the same platform

2. Delegating & tracking projects effectively

3. And supported team communication

Let’s look at the first benefit: Inviting members or guests to work on the same platform.

3. How to share articles?

- Users can share articles with other members/ guests in two ways:

  • By Article settings from the Article listing page

  • Or the Share button inside Content Creator

- Following 2 steps:

  • Step 1: Add the writer’s email address registered on WZ

  • Step 2: Click the link icon to copy and share the link directly with them


- For inviting guests to the article, you can set up some permissions for them:

  • View Competitor panel 

  • View Related Questions

  • Check Plagiarism

Note: The share link only works for the team members and assigned guests. If the guests haven’t been added to the article yet, via the share link they will direct to a page for requesting access. 

- After that, the task owner will be notified by email or in-app notification to let the guests join in.

4. Guest Permissions

- Added to the articles as the role of guests, they are only permitted to access & edit the shared articles in step 03 (Content Writing), with the add-on permissions that the inviter has pre-set up (View Competitor panel/ Related Questions/ Check Plagiarism).

- Therefore, guests can’t view/create/edit/delete any content in your team Workspace, which is transparent and protects your workspace security.

Now, let's go through the second benefit - the ability to delegate and track projects.

5. How to manage the list of projects?

Inside the Content Creator, you can see your projects listed along with updated processes and the project’s human resources, from task owner through to any assigned writers.

- This is where all team members and owners can view team performance and the current workload at a glance.

- There are some filter options for better visualization:

  • Search box 

  • Project owner

  • Writer

- And you can quickly track the process by:

  • Green box: All the articles included are completed, which indicates finished projects.

  • Yellow box: Work with other cases, which indicates ongoing projects.  

6. How to manage articles in each project?

- When going into a project, there are:

  • Article listing tab 

  • Project member tab

- These are places for your team to create/ delegate tasks in a specific project. 

Article listing tab 

In the article listing tab, you can see the progress of all the articles inside the project. 

- StatusYou can sort the status column to see what articles have been completed and which are pending.

- Deadline: The Deadline of each project is set by the task owner to keep track of the timeline and can be seen in the Deadline column.

- Task owner & WriterThe task owner and writer columns keep you informed of who’s working on what at a glance. Any member who creates a task automatically becomes that task’s owner. But you can change ownership by clicking the share icon inside any document to access the Article Settings popup and then clicking the replace button under Task Owner.

Project member tab 

- This tab lists all the information about team members and guests added to the project, including their email, permissions and the total number of articles they own, as well as the number of articles written.

- The roles of members and guests can be removed by clicking the delete icon in line with the member whose role you want to revoke.

Last but not least, let’s talk about the third benefit: Supported team communication.

7. Article Status & Notification to manage the progress

Article Status and notifications to manage the progress of your workload and make the collaboration process smoother.

- The system updates automatically to reflect any changes to any task undertaken by any member or guest. This removes the margin of error and enables each member to see the up-to-date status of any task at any given time. 

- For example, here are some practical examples: 

  • When a member completes an article, they can submit it for review. 
  • Inside the Project’s Articles Listing, the status changes from writing to reviewing
  • You or an editor can check the article and either approve it or select requires edit. The writer can then continue working on the article as required and resubmit it again when done.
  • When you finally approve the article, the status will change to Approved.

- Article Status can be updated by any team member, thus being flexible for a team to customize collaboration flow.

8. Comment function

The latest update of Content Creator in WriterZen now allows team members to work together more effectively during article auditing and optimization at step 03 (Content Writing), thanks to the Comment function. This function operates similarly to the one you may be familiar with in Google Docs.

Have a play around creating projects and start building your team.