Adding your team members to the WriterZen workspace is the most straightforward approach to cooperating on the same projects.

How to add members to the workspace?

- Log in to WriterZen and go to Workspace -> Seats and Members to add people. 

- Then click on Empty seat to invite members to this seat by entering their email addresses which are registered on WriterZen.

You cannot invite more teammates than the number of your currently available seats. 

- If someone misses the invitation, you can resend it via clicking the Ellipsis icon (…) next to their name to resend invitation to the member's email.

How can members access the workspace?

- If you are invited to a workspace, check your mailbox and then accept the invitation. 

Notice: If you encounter a problem, check if your browser has pop-up blockers that will prevent you from signing up. Turn them off for the time being.